3. We can spend money on fun things. We now earn some decent coin and can spend it at our heart’s content. Spa treatments, ridiculously priced clothes, personal training, international vacations, the list of luxury never ends.

4. We have drafted an all-star lineup of friends. The friends we have today will probably be the ones we have for the rest of our lives. We recognize what a meaningful relationship is and cherish the ones around us way more than we used to. 5. We are educated, beautiful and street smart. We’re eloquent, business-savvy, critically aware of news, politics and pop culture. Not to mention that we are still in the prime of our youth. Move over Beyoncé!

6. We take care of our bodies and it shows. We go to the gym, drink green smoothies, stopped eating McDonald’s every day and now treat our bodies as sacred temples. Living a long, happy life is our priority and we realize the importance of health at a young age. 7. We have direction, but there is still opportunity to grow. We’re up for that awesome promotion and are able to finally advance our careers. Re-locate to Europe? No problem. Quit the office job and become a helicopter pilot? Do it. 8. This is the start of our real life. This is our chance to sit down and really think about our career, where we want to create a life and what kind of person we want to be. The beauty of it all is that we have complete control over what happens.

So dream big, live free, have fun, do what makes you happy and pursue your passion because at the end of the day only you can decide your future. Share this post if you agree!